Our Ministers
Nick Jones
Nick is the oldest son of Tim and Tracy Jones. He grew up in Oviedo Florida where he went to Oviedo high school and played basketball all four years. He decided to put on Christ in baptism August 1st 2010. After Graduating from high school he went on to Harding University where he spent four years studying bible and family ministry. He graduated from Harding in May of 2018.
At Harding Nick was very involved in student life on campus and spiritual life at local churches. He was an executive member of his social club and was active in his church home for those years in service to the community as well as preaching whenever he was needed. Having these responsibilities as a college student really revealed to Nick both his calling and his passion for ministry.
Nick is the Youth Minister at Sanford as of June of 2018, his first full time job as a youth minister and plans to do vocational youth ministry for years to come.
Nick enjoys all sports, especially basketball, TV comedies such as “The Office,” “Friends,” and “Parks and Rec.” his favorite movies are Holes and the Transformers movies, and really any movie starring Shia Le Bouf. His favorite band is Casting Crowns and their hit single “Jesus Friend of Sinners.”
Specialties: His undergraduate degree is in Bible and family ministry and Nick has an emphasis on New Testament Greek. He is also enrolled in Harding School of Theology where he plans to get his Masters of Divinity.
Nick’s email is njonesym@gmail.com

Julio Garcia
Brother Julio Garcia is the Hispanic Ministry deacon of the Sanford Church of Christ. He has been involved with the Hispanic Ministry since 2006. He has served as preacher in several places: Lancaster, PA, Aguadilla, PR and Charlotte NC.
Julio was born in Brooklyn, NY on August 20, 1960, to Maria Feliciano and Julio Garcia Nieves. He is the eldest of 3 siblings. He was born again of water and Spirit on March 27, 1977. Because of his love and passion for the Word of God, he studied for 3 years in a School of Preaching in Puerto Rico, preparing him for the Ministry. His favorite subject is Homiletics.
He is married to Maggie, his helpmate since 1983. Father to Jenilee and Michael Garcia and has 7 wonderful grandchildren: Isaiah, Ariel, Leonel, Shailee, Luna, Nayeli and Axl.
His favorite quote from Thomas Campbell is “Where the Bible Speaks, We Speak; Where the Bible Is Silent, We Are Silent” His goal in life is to fulfil his commitment to God and His kingdom: “As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (2 Timothy 4:5 – ESV)
El hermano Julio es el predicador y diacono del ministerio hispano en Sanford, Florida. Ha estado trabajando con el ministerio hispano desde el 2006. Anteriormente, ha servido como predicador en varios lugares: Lancaster, PA; Aguadilla, PR y Charlotte, NC.
Nacido en Brooklyn, NY de padres puertorriqueños, María Feliciano y Julio García Nieves el día 21 de agosto de 1960. Nacido del Agua y del Espíritu (Nuevo Nacimiento) el día 31 de marzo de 1977. Debido a por su amor a la Verdad de Dios, estudio en la Escuela de Predicadores por 3 años en Puerto Rico preparándolo para ministerio. Su curso favorito es la homilética.
Casado con su ayuda idónea, Maggie, padre de Jenilee y Michael y abuelo de 7 nietos: Isaiah, Ariel, Leonel, Shailee, Luna, Nayeli y Axl.
Su cita favorita de Thomas Campbell es “Hablar donde la Biblia habla y callar donde la Biblia calla” Su deseo en todo momento es cumplir su compromiso con Dios y trabajar en Su Reino. “Pero tú sé sobrio en todo, soporta las aflicciones, haz obra de evangelista, cumple tu ministerio” (2 Timoteo 4:5-RVR1960)
Julio’s email is jgarcia0821@hotmail.com