Mark 16:15-16 says that we are to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.” At Sanford we take the great commission of Jesus very seriously. We realize that our own neighborhoods are mission fields. Everyone, everywhere is in need of the Savior. This is why we spend our resources trying to reach individuals in our own community as well as across international borders.
Some of our mission efforts include:
- India (Karen Clayton)
- Cup of Cold Water Ministries, Panama (David and Lisa Carter). Latest report here.
- Latin America Missions, Costa Rica
- Mt. Dora Childrens Home, Mt. Dora, FL
- Christian Family Services, Gainesville, FL
- East Orange Church of Christ, Chuluota, FL
- Central Florida Bible Camp, Eustis, FL
- Churches of Christ Disaster Relief, Nashviller, TN

David Galloway serves as our servant leader in charge of missions.
He keeps the congregation up to date on the status of all the missions the church supports as well as well as helping facilitate these missions with the church’s resources.
If you would like more information about Sanford’s mission efforts or how you too can support our missionaries, please e-mail David at boomerdog@cfl.rr.com.